Sep 2, 2024

Best ABM Practices to Boost Buyer Engagement

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Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a strategic approach that focuses on targeting high-value accounts with personalized campaigns, driving deeper engagement and higher conversion rates. However, ABM is often misunderstood as a slow, cumbersome process, when in reality, it can deliver quick and impactful results with the right tactics. This guide will walk you through the best practices for implementing ABM to increase buyer engagement, incorporating both foundational strategies and actionable tips that can yield fast results.

1. Start with Clear Objectives

Setting clear, measurable objectives is the first step to a successful ABM strategy. Your goals will guide every aspect of your ABM efforts, ensuring that your marketing and sales teams are aligned and working toward the same outcomes.

  • Define SMART Goals: Your objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, aim to increase engagement with target accounts by 20% within six months or to drive a specific revenue amount from ABM initiatives.
  • Prioritize Revenue Impact: Focus on how ABM can contribute directly to revenue generation, such as by shortening the sales cycle or increasing the average deal size.

2. Rapid Target Account Identification and Prioritization

ABM’s effectiveness depends heavily on selecting the right accounts to target. Instead of waiting for extensive research, you can quickly identify and prioritize high-value accounts using a few key tactics. Leverage your internal network for target account referrals. Send a list of decision-makers at Tier 1 accounts, including LinkedIn profiles, to executives or partners for potential introductions. Tools like Bombora or G2 can help identify accounts showing intent signals, such as researching relevant topics or engaging with your content. Prioritize these accounts as they are more likely to convert.

3. Personalize Messaging and Content Quickly

Personalization is critical in ABM, but it doesn’t have to be time-consuming. There are efficient ways to deliver tailored content that resonates with your target accounts. Start re-skinning existing content. Take relevant content and customize it with the target account's logo, name, or industry-specific details. Use tools like Criya AI to create personalized landing pages that include the account owner’s contact information and a Calendly link for easy scheduling. Prioritize engaging prospects by delivering personalized messages based on their behavior on your site. This could include dynamic content that changes depending on who is visiting the page.

4. Implement a Multi-Channel Approach

To increase buyer engagement, reach your target accounts through multiple channels. This ensures that your messaging is seen by all key stakeholders within the account, regardless of where they are in the buyer's journey.

  • Social Media Engagement:: Have your sales team set up private Twitter lists of key decision-makers in your target accounts. Monitor these lists to identify opportunities for organic engagement, such as commenting on or retweeting their posts
  • Email Campaigns with a Personal Touch:  Instead of sending emails from a generic company address, have them come directly from the account owner. This increases the likelihood of the emails being opened and engaged with.

5. Speed Up Engagement with SEM and Geotargeting

Many marketers overlook the potential of using search engine marketing (SEM) to target specific accounts, but with a few tweaks, you can make it work for ABM. Target the headquarters of your target accounts by setting city and state parameters in your SEM campaigns. This way, you focus your ad budget on searchers located near your target accounts, increasing the relevance of your ads.

6. Monitor Engagement Signals and Act Fast

Tracking engagement signals from your target accounts can provide valuable insights into when and how to engage them further.

  • Trigger Alerts for Key Actions: Set up email alerts for when known contacts from your target accounts visit high-value pages on your website, such as product or pricing pages. This allows your sales team to follow up promptly with relevant information.
  • Prioritize High-Fit, High-Intent Accounts: Focus on accounts that show both a high fit with your ideal customer profile and strong intent signals. These accounts are more likely to convert, so prioritize them in your outreach efforts.

7. Build Long-Term Relationships with Target Accounts

While ABM is often focused on immediate results, it’s also about building long-term relationships with your high-value accounts. Nurture these relationships over time to increase customer loyalty and drive repeat business. Continue to engage with your target accounts even after the initial sale and implement programs that focus on helping your high-value accounts succeed. Share relevant content, invite them to exclusive events, and check in regularly to see how you can help them achieve their goals.

8. Foster Alignment Between Sales and Marketing

ABM requires close collaboration between sales and marketing teams. Both teams must be aligned on target accounts, messaging, and overall strategy to maximize the impact of your ABM efforts. Involve sales in the content creation process to ensure that the messaging resonates with the specific needs of target accounts. This also ensures that sales teams are fully equipped to engage with these accounts effectively.

Establish shared metrics that both teams are responsible for, such as engagement rates, pipeline velocity, and revenue generated from ABM efforts. This fosters a sense of shared ownership and accountability.
Criya AI offers shared workspaces where teams can collaborate on account strategies, share insights, and track progress in real-time. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals.

9. Utilize Criya AI for Efficient ABM Execution

From tracking engagement to personalizing content and team collaboration, Criya AI can significantly enhance your ABM efforts. Criya AI ensures that your CRM is integrated with your marketing automation platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, and others, making it easier to track progress and measure success. 

One of the standout features of Criya AI is its ability to leverage AI-powered insights to personalize your ABM efforts at scale. It analyzes vast amounts of data from various sources, such as web analytics, social media interactions, and email engagements, to identify key behavioral patterns and preferences of your target accounts.

Criya AI enables you to dynamically tailor content for each account based on their behavior and engagement history. Whether it’s a personalized email, a landing page, or an ad, Criya AI ensures that every piece of content is relevant, increasing the likelihood of conversion. Using predictive analytics, Criya AI helps you prioritize accounts that are most likely to convert. By analyzing past interactions and engagement levels, it assigns a score to each account, allowing your sales team to focus their efforts on the most promising opportunities.


Account-Based Marketing is a powerful strategy that can drive significant engagement and revenue growth for your business. By following the best practices outlined in this guide, you can create a more efficient and effective ABM strategy that delivers quick wins and long-term success.

Incorporating Criya AI into your ABM strategy can be a game-changer. Its robust features—from AI-powered insights to real-time tracking and advanced analytics—empower your team to execute highly personalized, data-driven ABM campaigns at scale.

Remember, ABM doesn’t have to be a slow or cumbersome process. With the right tactics and tools, you can start seeing results quickly, while also laying the foundation for sustainable growth.

Start your journey today—Schedule a Demo with Criya AI and see how we can help you maximize the impact of your ABM strategy.


AI Product Exec (ex-PayPal, Microsoft), Ft. Forbes, TechChrunch

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