Let's make it easy for decision makers to choose you.

Criya reimagines everything by flipping from an archaic sales cycle to a stunning, interactive buyer oriented selling experience.

Your buyer is as busy as you are.

Maximize your buyer's engagement. Accelerate your sales.

Traditional Way

With Criya AI

Generally terrible to read PDFs and PPTs, impossible on mobile.
Impress with  smart, mobile optimized shareable web-accessible information.
Takes countless hours of the team's time to prepare.
Drive engagement by visually surfacing the most important and pressing information.
Hiring marketers, designers, sales enablement for $100K+
There's AI for that! Design on auto-pilot. Save that $100K. 
Create PPT, download, attach, email -> Download, Not mobile ready -> Lost interest.
Seamlessly share web pages with PPT mode and QR Code -> Open mobile -> They Love it!
100s of Emails. 100s of Assets,  across 100s of emails. Buyer frustrated because they can't find what they need.
One-stop Personalized Portal for every buyer, with all relevant links in 1 place = Quick Decisions and signature
Your buyer thinks you're not so great at what you do.
Your buyer thinks they're in good hands and you look like a pro!

It's time for you to get more out of your most important interactions.

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Engaging, mobile-optimized web-accessible pages that surfaces the most crucial information for decision makers.

Feature Icon - Mansk Webflow Template


Avoid delivering a bloated, unfocused deck, proposal or case study that everyone dreads reading.

Feature Icon - Mansk Webflow Template


Never again present to your buyer. Engage them with interactive, visual, meaningful discussions and get maximum value out of your interactions.

Feature Icon - Mansk Webflow Template


Thousands of dollars and  hundreds of hours of your team’s time. No designers or marketers needed.

Decision Makers spend 6-7 secs on your pitch


Instantly stand out and make a lasting impression.


What our customers say

CEO & Founder, Crew
CEO & Founder, Punar
Masters Student, Carnegie Mellon
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